
Also, can I get fresh french fries; I don't mind waiting."

Damn, now I really want to watch that ep.

club music/rap really sucks.

One last rodeo…


Let me give you the email of my friend Manimal; you two would hit it off.

I'm gonna go ahead and close my AV Club tab now.

It's an album of throwaways, though. That's like saying your deleted scenes reel is a pretty decent flick.

Case in point I suppose.

Teen Dream and Contra also in 2010.

Shut up and listen to "Half Gate". Then you can go ahead and call them the next T. Rex, The Beach Boys, or Led Zeppelin after that.

Two Doves? Fluorescent Half-Dome?

Come hop in my completely electric powered Prius, homegirl

Gervais+Merchant= Success

I mean, it already shit on its own legacy…..

"A bit"

Pull up our bootstraps, oil up a couple of asses, and do a little plowing of our own.

Season 1 2nd ep I think

Yep, Dakota Johnson who put in memorable performances in such roles as……………………………. Yeah

Why even spend money on a soundtrack? Just plug in "Dance of the Holyman," for the intro and outro.