
Except AMC's problem is all AMC's doing.

Well, I certainly hope you gave that establishment the grade it deserved on Yelp.

I'll do you one better:

Whoa, actual hip-hop at the AV Club? I don't believe it…

God damn that pizza looks busted.

Yo, what up, Dax?

Brrap Brrap!

My fav track is "Cheerleader," but like I alluded to, I think all the Ed Droste songs are a little more distinguished. "Foreground," "Ready, Able," and "Two Weeks," are all highlights.

She's white, so it's at least historically accurate.

This is what Tomi Lahren calls a snow globe, due to all the snowflakes this will no doubt encapsulate.

AND you have herpes!

Ha, she wanted Late Night with Jimmy Sycophant Fallon.

Could have ended the sentence at "writing."

How's it sad that books with unique artists that feel attached to the material produce better work than a Brian Michael Bendis written event comic?

I'd also add on the new Dirty Projectors. The first two singles have been great.

I find Veckatimest feels too samey in regards to Rossen's songs. Shields diversified a little bit more and had Droste and Rossen working in tandem more.

Grizzly Bear has been quiet since 2012’s Shields, and perhaps with good reason: It’s a pleasant album, but it sort of stops there. This stands in stark contrast to the group’s two previous albums, Veckatimest and Yellow House, which are grand, orchestral rock albums that have only gotten more sublime with time.

Makes for one hell of "a stranger," though.

This. One of the things that made it an obvious Mary Suing is that she excels at everything: Piloting, sure; multiple languages, sure; fighting in both staffs and a weapon she never held; decent with a blaster despite never holding one; Han wants her to join his crew; she's the awakening of the force; and she's the