
*Slides down glass of Flavoraid over counter*

It's funny that you're trying to be facetious, but there isn't a lot of time between today and when that album came out. Chill and let the album live, don't inundate it in fuckery.

Lots of Lotz.

You ever think about not posting the first thing that pops into your head about an album?

"St. Vincent is the modern Bowie."

You know who else got on the right track?

They definitely do it to impress you, too, so there's egg on their face.

"Premature Ejaculation" is Mohd's middle name.

"respondents spend a quarter of each day watching television."

My favorite movies are Citizen Kane and Boondock Saints.

It's almost like you completely missed the point of what I was saying.

It's funny how you guys review albums, but you've yet to review the #1 album in America. However, why review the Solange album when the page views and comments for this album are busting like sodas in the freezer.


Behind the camera his track record is pretty great. In front? Man….I figured that all the expertise he learned from directing and picking out scripts would make him have an eye for winners, a la Pitt and Clooney. That really hasn't been the case, though. Also, he never really had a go to director to collaborate on,

Yeah. Mainly because TFA was exactly what the prequels (but written and directed with confidence) were: some vague idea about beginnings becoming ends and history repeating itself. It is all just an excuse to prey on nostalgia and something that was already successful and then calling it "thematic."TFA had no real

I can get you real human bones for half that!

Sounded like there was a real tournament for power.

Can I write for this show?

Lemmeaxusumthin, @anxie:disqus

This isn't my erotic fanfiction about the Clarissa Explains It All star meeting (among other things) AVC writer Sean O' Neal.