
Which one?

British Milhouse.

Larry David's Clear History definitely desrves a spot. I'll also add in Dave Chappelle's Block Party even if it's primarily a documentary.

Inside Out?

That might be true, but it's a tertiary reason, sitting well behind misogyny, zealousness, and fan entitlement. It only exists because of those other elements.

I get that. There's still no need to straddle that incredibly thick line between "Ah, man, it's too bad you didn't enjoy this"/"Fuck you, you don't like this" and "I'll skip this"/"NUKE IT FROM THE SKY!"

Except, fuckface, no one made the correlation between anyone "liking" the franchise and attacking the movie. I'm assuming this post only happened because dick headed fuckfaces such as yourself don't know the meaning of words. Also, no one said anything about the misogynistic attacks, fuckface.

Cool. I guess that justifies people being a-holes to anyone who offers a different opinion and treating a reboot of the franchise like the plague.

The reverence for this franchise makes no sense.

Has anyone (Fox News) blamed these songs for the Dallas incident yet? I'm pretty sure that's going to happen

I'm just going to throw this out there: there's a block user feature that is new to disqus. I'll be using it a lot in the coming days.

On the other hand, it seems like we're pretty close to Judge Dredd/Robocop becoming a reality.

Mohd's whole posting history, really.

Watching that and the FX series made me queasy.

It's important, too, to note that it's not just dickfaced, racist police that can shoot black people and get away with it, but it's the dickfaced, racist everyday citizen that can shoot a black person and get away with it (and also earn a living off of it).

Yeah, more of a "Flagrantly dickheaded fuckfaced racist" violence.

And everything that man did for unions, come on.

and if I am being generous, The Intern

I had initially read your post as you didn't like it so much and had given up on it. I see now that you did enjoy it, but did have some issues with it. I think, though, some of those issues you have with it are design intentions, though:

Ass pull is more akin to Super Saiyan, though. Gon's power-up solved nothing. Pitou even says, "I'm glad he's wasting this on me." It's not really asspull if it didn't solve anything. At one point, Gon is repeatedly punching a headless body. I guess you could say there should be some foreshadowing (beside the literal