Normally, I love a good pun, but on this occasion, I’m a bit hesitant to jump into the frey.
Normally, I love a good pun, but on this occasion, I’m a bit hesitant to jump into the frey.
That’s a pretty stark correlation.
Pu-ump? Pump? Oh god I’m so bad at this I just made myself gag.
Only 45% of Trump supporters believe that Don Jr. attended that meeting with the Russian lawyer for dirt on Clinton. Something he himself openly confirmed.
I think the odds are even between the dems winning more seats, the dems losing a ton of seats (especially with the slanted Senate map), and some kind of terrorist attack resulting in martial law and no election.
American Horror Story: Falling Apart MidSeason
Suchet will always be Poirot to me. Seeing anyone else play him, even the great Peter Ustinov, is like seeing someone else play Columbo.
ITV’s Poirot is still top dog when it comes to Agatha adaptions.
Can you please explain to us women which part of Doctor Who has designated that it should be a male doctor? They’re not recasting Napoleon as a woman, they’re recasting a fake character in a pretend TV show. Get a grip. There already is a male fucking everything.
A 10 year off/on/off/on relationship may have died its final death over the casting of this character. I am remarkably unbothered by that fact.
I don’t know what this says about me but when I was a server I always felt so bad charging folks like $2.89 for a soda that cost the restaurant like .05 cents and I would sometimes leave one off (what? Why? I don’t know!) because right off the bat people would be paying like $30 for sodas if there were a few at the…
I care!
One of the authors featured has gone so far as to try on a bra so he didn’t make any obvious mistakes that might throw female readers out of the story.
If they’re describing women as 5'10" 120#, that’s a dead giveaway right there.
I have never read a book written by a man that fooled me into thinking it was written by a woman. As soon as they introduce the female characters, it always becomes painfully obvious. It’s bad enough female writers have a harder time getting published, now these assholes want to capitalize on one of the few categories…
Police: “Freeze!”
Jezebel is a feminist website, though, amirite?!?!