
He always looks like a potato playing dress up.

And Trump taking 13-20 mins in between multi-part tweets. That kind of slow thinking and slower typing really makes a sick burn....burnier?

That is everything I never knew I wanted.

I can’t wait for twitter fight between Kanye and Trumpo.

I personally feel the distinction is between people who cannot read and people who choose not to. The latter speaks of a dearth of intellectual curiosity, and that’s something actively bad. But I agree that lack of intellectual curiosity does not somehow make people less empathetic or kind or good or anything like


For fuck’s sake. Double thumbs up at a fucking Wounded Warriors event.

Their parents can.

What is the alternative? Give up, lie down, become cynical and cry about how unfair it all is? Some of us don’t have that privilege, so we’ll be fighting and not failing until we fail!

I can’t read only one book at once. I always have two or three going. You never know what you’re going to be in the mood for when you sit down to read. Thank goodness for my Kindle (and free library books to download to it)!

It can be both.

I’ve never been this emotional over a president leaving. And I’m not even American! I don’t know if it’s because it’s OBAMA or because of the vileness that’s following him.

I saw most of it, and it was basically “I still believe in a place called Hope.” send-off, a “yeah, the peaceful transition of power to a dime-store, wannabe tyrant is normal.”

Meanwhile Kellyane is fuming:

This fucker is the least intellectually curious person I’ve ever seen.

Hot take: Religious people are hypocrites. They don’t care about things like prayers or following the word of God.  

I’ve always thought that at a reporter should ask him a public question what his favourite prayer is, and for him to recite it. ANY prayer, pick one.

“If you go home with someone and they don’t own any books, don’t fuck them”

Or they are doing their jobs speaking for their constituents? 

I’m “used to a certain lifestyle” will always be my favorite nonsense. As if rich people, by virtue of being rich, are incapable of adapting to any other reality. This goes for exwives and exhusbands too. Poor people, of course, adapt to anything and have no choice. How fragile are these fuckers that they lose all