
I definitely think that Plex’s biggest strength is how easy it is for the non-techy to pick it up. In my house, I run the Plex server on my desktop, but we have a Nexus Player in the living room and a Roku in the bedroom that are signed into my Plex account. I just tell my girlfriend/roommate “If you need something,

I went to a magnet mount almost a year ago and never looked back. they are small and can mount almost anywhere (horizontal or vertical surface). The only downside is that you have to stick a thin metal disk on the back of your phone, or as I have done, bought one of the cases that have areas inside the case to mount

Can you just close the air flow to that vent in the winter? Most of your air should be going to the floor anyway this time of year.

Unless you’re making biscuits over coals, you’re better off with the all clad.

Unless you’re making biscuits over coals, you’re better off with the all clad.

Things seem to happen fast when you get started. You create a budget, you look at your spending, you lay out your debts, you look for ways to cut costs, sell unneeded items, etc., then boredom settles in because you are just clicking along doing whatever step you are doing (debt paydown, emergency fund savings,

I like cast iron but for most instances this is the superior pan. I am digging the revival of the old iron but the hispters gotta lay off, its not the end-all of cooking.

I like cast iron but for most instances this is the superior pan. I am digging the revival of the old iron but the

Just a heads up, you are not press trained. You are either lying or violating your contract :)

Please, keep saying this. Say it over and over again until people get it. Sigh.

Because consensual BDSM play has nothing to do with actual rape. Many sex-positive feminists engage in BDSM without it conflicting or cancelling out their feminist politics.

Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.

I’m so sorry to read this. I’ve genuinely never had this happen to me, please don’t believe all men are like this.

Make that three. The car costs twenty grand.

Trans am, so you are wrong on two assumptions.

Wow, imagine an 18 year old now buying a $40,000 Camaro. Just not possible.

If that's so then how come I can slalom my BMW with my hands firmly at my sides just by wiggling my hips left or right?

Ummm... can we please avoid that? Play nice in the sandbox, man.

It’s in America. Everyone has tattoos here. First thing my Italian grandfather did when getting to the US and joining the Navy was to get two big anchors on his arms, and that was in 1914.

Dad owns the biggest motorcycle sales and service center in two states, yeah, really trash

That is so dangerous. What a horrible father. I’m not talking about the motorcycle, I’m talking about that sliding-side crib - those things are illegal these days because they cut off childrens’ fingers. I hope you’ve told your father that you’re lucky to have survived despite his inept parenting.*