Literally Savages. “Literally” savages. Care to show us a picture of a literal savage?
Still don’t understand why mileage on a supercar is such a horrible thing... why would I want to spend six figures on a car not to drive it????
TL;DR: “Because Freedom.”
120,000 smiles
This is not a vintage Ferrari. Should be fine for a while. This seems like a steal IMO.
I usually do too...but for some reason I didn’t mind this one.
SMG smh
I think Audis and VWs get a stigma around here. It may be that they absolutely are terrible for high-dollar maintenance, maybe because they require a “service position” that is akin to wrinkling newspaper to wipe your ass, or maybe because the cheaper models are all the German headaches without the performance. I…
That price almost leaves room in the budget for fixing whats wrong with it.
That said this is probably one of the most driver unfriendly cars I have driven. The interior controls suck. the layout requires you to look at where you are reaching. The automatic shifts like an elephant headbutting the back of the car along…
Pontiac G8 + fifteen grand worth of mods.
Ah, arbitration. Such a beautiful thing in theory, such an awful thing in practice.
A lot of people think that contracts are unmodifiable. I grab the sharpie fine point pen and strike out what I don’t like and initial next to them, then sign it.
Man i love jalopnik. Came here for car stuff but i stay for articles like this and anything on foxtrot alpha. Thanks steve anothergreat post.
@Kevster: Maybe he doesn't have tall dogs. Maybe he drives a Lamborghini.