Madonna Daehlie

I don’t know what you’d call Deadspin these days, but it ain’t really carrying on. A desecrated, skull fucked corpse being held up by cheap AI puppet strings maybe?

how does that herb still have a job? RIP to a good one.

Depressing but not surprising. Been waiting for this since G/O and Herb took over.

Wow Crystal just added you to her follower list. I hear she may be making a guest appearance at Splinter soon. Just a rumor.

If you were genuinely Crystal Jewell then thank you for some of the most deranged laughs I’ve gotten on the internet.

Fucking Spanfeller. Fuck you .

Fuck this company and the herb so hard. They’re not even going to let the writers do any kind of goodbye or even tell people that the site is shutting down.

Genuinely bummed out by the site closure. I’d like to express my gratitude to the Jezebel staffers for generally being good sports about my tomfoolery these past few years. I’ll confess to having some Tomato-style accounts here. Yes, I was Crystal Jewell, the 25-year old grad student from Iowa — along with some

Fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck Peter Thiel into the goddamn sun. 

Now playing

I always thought this was a song that a 15 yr old girl singing in a mall would write. Turns out it was grown men originally.

If the people who complain loudly about trans women in women’s sports actually cared about fairness in women’s sports, the US Women’s Soccer team wouldn’t have had to fight so hard for better pay. As a cis woman I am absolutely sick and tired of bigots pretending they care about women in any way. It’s not trans women

Damn it, I knew I shouldn’t have replied.....#trollfood

“Do I wish that the trans woman athlete had access and could play and follow her dreams? I do. Will I elevate her rights over women?”

Ok, I’ll bite, against my better judgment.

Ok, I’ll bite, against my better judgment.

“Just asking questions” is a thin veil of stupidity at best, bigotry at worst.  

Many trans children are committing suicide because they are limited to reversible treatments. Anything which is reversible can be taken away. Therefore it provides no peace of mind. 

Remember the old saying, kids:

I should know better than to feed the trolls, you won’t argue in good faith, but since you provided a perfectly clear example of the lies, I’ll engage.

if you’re truly“transgender” at 12, you’ll still be transgender at 18