
It's adorable. Just watch it already. The fact that AARP loved it too puts a rainbow in my heart.

I revisited MonkeyBone during a marathon of weird animated films from the '90s. It's not remotely a lost classic, but it is worth watching if only because it is SO fucking strange you will never see the likes.

I went to a wedding where the DJ announced right after dinner that his set list would be "'Electric Slide' free".

Apologies, but I was in a bit of a hurry and this was a knee-jerkish reaction. Okay, let me try to verbalize this:

Yeah, it was two awesome songs from well-loved musicals, two filler songs I never heard of, and something I'm having a really hard time not cynically rationalizing as "Mandela just passed so…" or "Eff it, let's chuck this award at U2".

"combine the musical and animated feature category"

They were indeed. In dresses made famous by Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez no less, to the amusement of privileged silly red carpet host people softballing unfunny "who wore it better" jokes..

"Hey remember that one time Bjork acted like… well, like Bjork… except your mom saw it so that's everyone's frame of reference of her even damn near a decade later?!?"

It's not 1999 anymore, so I don't know if Puff Daddy was higher than several commercial satellites or if screaming "Let it flow, let it flow, let it FLOWWW!!!" at Bono is just the kind of thing he does now.

I looked up both Ethel Waters and I… *guess* it has to do with Ethel Waters being the star of an obscure '50's TV series where she played the housekeeper of a rich white family and Davis had just been in "The Help". It made sense to Armond White that everyone within earshot would immediately get the reference..

I recommend those interviews as well, but for the otherwise-very-good podcast's equivalent of a trainwreck. I often get the sense that the hosts of the show are damn liars when they say "Oh, we're open to showcasing everyone's opinions even those of people who we strongly disagree with or who disagree with us blah

It's worth party-watching if it pops up on Netflix Instant only for how deeply insane it is and how obvious the filmmakers' open contempt for the kids in the audience is. And yes, the aliens feed on Coke and go to a dance party at McDonald's.

They never address that, but I blame the overlong Fourth of July musical number in this NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL for making me confuse the two holidays for most of my childhood and occasionally even today.

I went through a year of watching their more obscure animation, including Easter specials, a Christmas/Groundhog Day/Valentine's Day special, a Christmas/St. Patrick's Day special, a "Christmas in July", and a "Mad Monster Party?" It struck me that R/B's films are at once as comfortable and familiar as a favorite old

Someday, I hope to get medicated enough to see the movie the creators of "Mystery Men" desperately wanted it to be. Then again, that'd make the Psychofraculator even more nightmare-inducing. (And I could just watch "The Specials" sober instead.)

This was a year that gave us the following… memorable… header images:


I remember reading about that in a magazine before its release; how everyone was all excited that we were finally getting a follow-up to "A Christmas Story", and then… it vanished. Only to appear years and years later as "A Summer Story" on VHS. I rented it once and only made it halfway through. I seem to recall it

(Poises her hands over the keyboard to write her own crazy Christmas
story but… just… *can't* after that one. Holy *shit*, dude.)

Yeah… care to elaborate on that one or are you just going to leave it here for us to ponder?