
(Shuffles her mental list so now People Nostalgic For DTV Sequels to Animated Features top both People Nostalgic for "Space Jam" and People Nostalgic for "Hook" as far as how confusing their existence is.)

Well, I was with you until the "Christmas Story" diss…

Now that you mentioned that, I honestly can't say if the rumored initial version of "Labyrinth" with Jackson as Jareth (By the way, Hey there, unfortunate subtext, how are you doing?) would've been stranger.

You need to cut down on the basil, dude…

I could only spare change on one song last time I used a jukebox but I spent it on "Step By Step" from New Kids on the Block. Nobody noticed since the jukebox was one of those crazy new touchscreen ones and it started playing a string of interchangeable pop songs before my song came up in the queue.

Pheasants or doves or ducks? (Not even listing non-game birds because there aren't any in the song aside from the "Calling Birds" = thrushes, a la "four and twenty black birds baked in a pie".)

Pheasants or doves or ducks? (Not even listing non-game birds because there aren't any in the song aside from the "Calling Birds" = thrushes, a la "four and twenty black birds baked in a pie".)


I saw the trailer for "Walking With Dinosaurs 3D: Spirit, Ceratopsian of the Steppes" before a 3D showing of "Frozen" yesterday and I honestly don't think I've ever seen a trailer with more mood whiplash than that one. Frisson all up and down my arms and then, "Oops, I stepped in your 'fear', LOL!" What's worse is

I'm trying to think of a more 90's Comics name than Bloodstrike and I just *can't*.

I happened to revisit "Hook" around the same time I subjected myself to the first "Twilight" movie. I'm still debating whether or not the Daddy Issues Pirate Baseball scene is more absurd than the Emo Sparkle-Vampire Thunderstorm Muse Baseball scene

There's a part of me that wants to dig out my old VHS of "Aladdin" (by the way, WTF Disney, stop releasing new editions of "Peter Pan" and get this one on blu-ray already!) to fact-check you, but there's a bigger part that remembers it well enough anyway and just wants to ask where in the world you saw daddy issues in

I've given this some thought over the years, and I feel like at least blind nostalgic love for "Hook" is easier to take than blind nostalgic love for "Space Jam". This is because "Hook" is based on Steven Spielberg working out his "am I a good dad?" issues while "Space Jam" is based on a fucking sneaker commercial.

Welp, this article's already joined the It's Going To Be Fun Getting Comment Response Alerts On This One Because F*ck Whoever Decided On That Header Image Hall of Fame.

Oh yeah. To be fair, he had albums by both bands and all the "Hunger Dunger Dang"-ering just blended together.

Damn you for making me suddenly want to live in the "Nobody still cares this much about 'Family Guy'" Universe so much. I want to see how that would play out.

I'll admit, I laughed at that one.

Yeah, I've seen that too but it's very recent, too much so to influence the families I know.

I wonder if there's an entire generation now that doesn't understand how animation works? You don't see specials like "The Making of 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit'" anymore, you don't see in-production trailers like with "Hercules" and "Anastasia", and the once-awesome animation studio at Disney World no longer even IS a

"His "death" was even a story on my local morning newspaper."