
This is a brilliant idea and Marvel/Sony needs to make this happen.

I could totally see Simmons/JJJ becoming the new Stan: only he cameos in every Sony/MCU movie to badmouth whichever hero the film’s about.

Screw the illegal part.. just record the damned thing.. this way, there is no “he said / he said” but rather.. here is what literally happened, and then roll tape.

I would definitely have done so. And blasted it all over everyone's social media.

Turns out that shooting arrows at cardboard deer in your backyard and playing vigilante with a large angry mob are two entirely different things. He’s lucky they didn’t tear him to shreds.

They also flipped and burned his car, leaving his ass to walk home.

I have no idea. I hope someone gets those notifications, but a lot of them seem to go ignored. In fact, this same issue (someone pretending to be Dr Emilio Lizardo) has cropped up in the past.

There are moderators on here? I’ve literally never noticed.

I flag and dismiss all the trolls but the same ones still pop up. Does anyone know if flagging actually does anything or is it just an exercise in futility?

They just changed their name to yours

I have daughters, 5 and 10. I don’t swear around them, and I don’t want them swearing either (or at least I want them to keep it to a minimum). Reading John Boyega post “I really fucking hate racists.” makes him seem like an even better role model (although honestly, I prefer them to find role models in the people

When Superman shows up at the end was clearly Whedon, and it's one of the few moments I actually saw a glimmer of happiness and hope in the film. 

While I am honored that you took time away from your busy schedule of setting peasants and their thatched roof cottages alight, I must inform you of your mistake.

This shit is literally the cell phone store scene from Portlandia.

It then offers population control as the solution to the climate crisis.”

Aww, is zoomie hungry?

Here’s my synopsis for this film:

I think the most astonishing special effect in the trailer is seeing a black man in a leading role in a Chris Nolan film. I know I’m probably going to get lit up for that comment — and I do like his work— but the guy has difficulty creating nuanced roles for POC and women that his own brother and even a directors as

I’d say the Endymion books are for hardcore fans only. Hyperion and Fall are great space opera, though.

Hyperion, The Fall of Hyperion, Endymion, The Rise of Endymion.