jesus christ the lame dad vibe in this thread is strong
jesus christ the lame dad vibe in this thread is strong
I bet he has to move 2 other chairs that are in front of the front door. I’m imagining this guys whole life is like a rubik’s cube.
That’s a logical assumption, but since the vidya is all about his “process” and that is a step in said process, it should be resolved.
Concrete isnt the oddest building material for a boat floated during the war pardon the pun. Ice and saw dust was supposed to make a massive aircraft carrier to help with the ferrying of aircraft to the european theater
The name “Sulphur Island” was translated into Late Middle Japanese with the Sino-Japanese rendering iwau-tau イヲウトウ (硫黄島, modern Japanese Iō-tō イオウトウ), from Middle Chinese ljuw-huang “sulfur” and táw “island”. The historical spelling iwautau[10] had come to be pronounced (approximately) Iwō-tō by the age of Western…
The cartels should ring up France, I hear they may have extra production scheduling available for some diesel electrics. The cartels could claim they are for uhh... personal subsurface recreational opportunities.
It’s telling that in an attempt to create fetal personhood, they did not go to anything really beneficial. Like, you want to call the unborn a person, then it is when child-support starts, it is when you can deduct them on your taxes, when you get the benefits for having a child. Not... you get to ride in the…
My question is, did Bezos have to dye himself green in order to get Captain Kirk to ride his rocket?
Torch said a Chrysler version of the Mustang but I'm seeing a Mustang crossed with an E21 BMW and I like what I see.
I’ve pretty much always been a fan, he’s a fantastic driver and fans have pretty much gotten to watch him “grow up”. Diva? He’s been frickin’ world champion multiple times. And this? Heck, he can diva all he wants as far as I’m concerned.
This is what all those Tahoe drivers SHOULD have.
you’re talking about eastern european car culture and you’re talking about turkey.
Concerned parents, eh? Are there any other kind? I’d like to hear from unconcerned parents for a change. Just once.
I haven’t had issues with accuracy, but I have had concerns about difficulty. Sometimes Waze will recommend a route that “saves” a minute or two on paper, but is needlessly complicated. Unprotected left turns, lefts that require waiting for a light, going through an area with extra turns or lights, etc. The practical…
I would like it if my photos placed in albums don’t show up in the camera roll.
Wait, if these are half-assed, but the modification gives them more ass than usual, does that mean that done correctly they’d have triple ass? Instead of donks, would they be badonkadonks?
Nah... nah... you’ve got it all wrong.
This reads suspiciously like WWII-era Nazi propaganda. By 1942, despite lots of promises, Volkswagens were still not being delivered to private citizens and the Germans stopped believing in the charade. There was a joke circulating at the time, that a worker at the Volkwagen factory, desperately wanting one of the…
The picture is of Volkswagens produced after the war and is misleading.