
I borrowed the word "appropriate" from the comment I was responding to. And this is a comment board: there are 100 conversations going on simultaneously.

Sure, because the first thing I do before I discuss the content of a work - on a website specifically designed to discuss the, er, um, content - is decide whether it's "appropriate".

The most fascinating thing about this review is that it focuses on Sorkin's faults as a writer (i.e. mansplaining, etc) and other formal problems, yet virtually ignores the two gigantic, horrific, contelephants in the room (which is apparently what the US in general has been doing for most of the time since 9/11): the

What a silly, literal, hit-you-over-the-head way to end a piece of fiction.

Fantastic episode! This show just gets better and better… wow!

8. How many of Vernon's groomsmen have you banged?

And BTW, didn't the season finale of Utopia have one of the bloody greatest cold-opens ever (best since BB)? It's yet another scene (like the school shooting) that I seriously doubt will end up in the Fincher US version.

Agreed. This is the episode that lifted the series from good to transcendent.

Sorry - I wasn't taking it seriously with my first comment - but you appeared adamant with your reply so it seemed as if you might be.

Sorry, but that's wrong. Look at how she writes down the string of dashes to signify the letters - as well as the letter "L" (both backwards for her). It's obvious she writes them so that Daniel's left is the beginning of the word.

Except the L was at the beginning of the word - and the T at (or near) the end.

For those suffering Rectiwithdrawal, two wonderful treats to both entertain and to remind you of it: the first two movies written and directed by Ray McKinnon

Wow… thanks for the info - it was in the back of my mind that he was familiar, but I couldn't place him. I re-watched that Louie episode back in January.

@Ineda - Just to let you know, I posted info about two things you should definitely check out if you can - Ray McKinnon's first two films (the second of which is a little like Rectify v.1.0). All the info is in my post above.

For those suffering Rectiwithdrawal, two wonderful treats to both entertain and to scratch that itch - the first two movies written and directed by Ray McKinnon, the creator of Rectify:

I would HATE for this to be a part of the plot - it's such a cliche of fictional murder mysteries. How often does this happen in real life: the prosecutor of a murder trial being involved in the actual murder? Never. On TV? Often.

Thanks for the clarification… that makes total sense :)

Congrats, fellow Rectify posters! We finally cracked +200 comments for the first time for this fantastic episode of this wonderful show. I think it's a harbinger of good things to come for this woefully under-viewed show.

Well, of course, the writers are very good so they disguise the machinations of the plot very well - it's often only possible to see them in retrospect. As McKinnon says, they are always trying to go somewhere unexpected, so it's very hard to predict what will happen usually. I did manage to predict here weeks in

"I don't recall Lezlie explicitly telling Daniel to confront his past."