
My thoughts exactly. The scene at the diner has Frank explaining to Liza exactly why he has to go back to the Hill once again: to let the physicists working there know that there is no German program to be concerned about.

Nice callback - but I would argue that was a clever twist on the "protagonist is dreaming" scenario - plus we do see some "real world" events happening to Jon Hamm outside of the "snowglobe".

Exactly! Perfect comparison.

Damn, I forgot about him. I guess that's an indication of how memorable many of these characters are. I suppose that means that the real meaning of my original post is: "They really need to kill off Eph, Zach, Nora, and lesbian love interest as quickly as possible and replace them with new, equally stupid, red-shirted

While Fitz was in 8 of the 13 episodes last season, he only had a few small scenes in 4 episodes this season (after missing the first 3 episodes). So his death might have had some impact if it had happened at the end of last season or the very beginning of this one, but the way it was handled felt very much like an

True (and Kelly herself, if you count being turned) - but didn't those things happen in the pilot (or the first couple of episodes)? It seems a long time since anyone we know well has been killed/turned.

"Random angry lesbian sex…even The Strain makes that come out of nowhere. "

The only way to save the Zach character at this point is to turn him into a spider-brat.

Yes - hotter than Dutch in her day. Check her out in this image:

This show is the only thing on television that can make The Walking Dead seem like a vintage wine.

Amen. Wholeheartedly agree with you and the OP. This stuff is physically painful to sit through.

Well, gee whiz, thanks for your kind feedback. I guess with an average of ~10 Disqus comments per day for over 4 years, you're pretty much an expert on commenting, threads, nitpickiness, and… well… everything involved with being online all of the time.

"Suppose I don't know enough about The AV club to know what's normal around here though…"

Not only should you see "Inside Llewyn Davis", but I recommend "Ex Machina" and "A Most Violent Year" as well. All very good films - with fantastic performances by him. I think he's the best new male actor to appear on the scene in quite some time.

Thanks, that was the best laugh I've had all week. I respond to people in kind - so to a fatuous windbag like you, I am your fatuous windbag.

Less ambiguously Tawney's - since the scene actually shows her waking up when it ends - so I think Jay See's original point has merit.

Yes, it could be both - but it's slightly illogical that Daniel would be having such a detailed fantasy while submerged in the ocean, and the scene specifically shows Tawney waking up from a (day)dream when it ends. So if you're going to suggest that it was just Daniel's or Tawney's, the evidence is more supportive

BTW, since you're being such a smug troll, I'll mention that you conveniently forgot to "own up" to another prediction you made in the same thread which turned out to be completely wrong. Let me refresh your memory:

"…aren't you going to own up…"

Yes, it is "aired" at rather an early hour.