
Premium cable (non-commercial) versus basic cable (commercial). But when the Blu-ray of the season is released, it will be unedited.

It's basic cable. The same thing happened during Breaking Bad, Mad Men, etc. But I believe it's a policy that is self-enforced by the networks, because they would sometimes allow those premium shows to say "fuck" once a season - or if it seemed to be used in an socially-constructive way (as when they allowed it on

Esmail's already been on the show at least once before (possibly more) - he was present during the long scene in the pilot when Elliot first sees Mr. Robot on the subway.

Too early to know for certain, but it it might be. But since Trey already claimed that he had sex with Hanna (but not the night of her death) to Carl back in S2, even if they find her DNA, he could say he has an "excuse" for having it (i.e. high school memento) - so I'm not sure if it constitutes any kind of a

I have a strong suspicion, as much as I dread the idea, that next season might be the last (and that's one reason why Sundance announced it early, before this season had aired). I don't doubt that the story could go longer than 4 seasons, but there are practical matters with McKinnon's pace of only progressing the

"He could have easily said 'I know you didn't do it' without saying who he believes did it. There really isn't a lot to be gained from that statement."

Oh…OK… sorry, I misunderstood. We're on the same page.

How can you say it "did nothing for him"? The next day he walked into the court house and testified on the record that he found Hanna already dead? He'd never said that out loud (let alone, on the record) that we had ever seen before.

Of course there was. He wanted to get Daniel to offer information willingly and without hesitation - since Daniel believed he was a suspect and said so immediately. He could have told him that he wasn't a suspect without mentioning Trey, but considering that he was trying to get detailed information about a trip that

"Anyway, yes, women consume porn, but we're still expected to feel bad about it."

I think it's fairly universal that most straight women would enjoy seeing gay male porn exactly the same way that it's fairly universal that most straight men would like watching gay female porn: if you're into the opposite sex, it can be double the fun watching two of them perform sexual acts on each other. Makes

I absolutely disagree. As mentioned above. Daniel clearly denied his involvement with the murder during the plea bargain testimony.

Yes, I was exhilarated to see that Daggett's comprehension of what may have happened to Hanna (and at the trailer) is moving faster than I anticipated and that the warrant was for Trey's place instead of Janet's. The scene with him telling Daniel his suspicions was worth 3 years of waiting!

I've heard this (or a quite similar) theory before and hadn't paid it much mind - but after the murder this week, I start to think there may be something to it. I've always felt that Tyrell hasn't really been connected to the rest of the narrative very well - but that changes if he is Elliot (in some way).

What's even worse is the current depiction in S2 of True Detective - Ani likes porn so that mean's she was molested as a little girl.

I don't think it's possible that it could eradicate all evidence of asphyxiation since changes happen at a cellular level in various tissue - so they would have found out she was, at the very least, suffocated. But it might have helped destroy/damage DNA that he left behind. Then again, picking up a limp, dead body

"So we're taking scenes in which Mr. Robot has dialogue with people and they respond to him as evidence he's not real now? OK…

Sure, because forgetting whether Daniel had sex with the hairdresser (who appeared in 1 episode) is equivalent to not recognizing Marcy, a series regular who has been in 8 episodes. Not to mention the fact that I don't write a review about the show and publish it online. If I did, I would expect to be held to a

At a bare minimum we can surmise that Trey and George had sex with Hanna (consensual or otherwise - but likely rape) and that after she was "discovered" dead, Trey convinced George that Daniel was the killer, and that he should testify that he saw Daniel raping her in order to help put him away (and/or keep them out

"I don't know for sure but I believe if you're on probation from a violent crime, all the authorities need is a suspicion of wrongdoing & they can search your premises."