Robert Maxwell

mueller is a 73-year-old retired vietnam war veteran

Right? I don’t even own the game and I feel like someone is going to shitpost me just for knowing that Hanzo exists

This. The Idris boat has sailed, if there ever was one.

I remember really digging it when I was a kid and being crazy scared at a couple points, actually.

Always pending.

The sad thing is that Trump is such a dumb skull that he just doesn’t see the simplest solution here. One that would unite the entire country.

I kind of wondered that, too. It’s shady in that way that says they’re after something else - but whether that’s suspecting him of a real crime, or thinking maybe he did some of the pot one time, or just pissing them off last time they searched his home is tough to say.

What a saint his mother must be.

Ol’ Linds periodically gets the vespers and feels the need to share how aghast he is.

Didn’t he also scold the EU for making it difficult for him to build golf courses in Europe? I bet German cars would quickly stop being a problem if they let him bulldoze the Black Forest and build a resort.

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Track: Don’t Worry About The Government | Artist: Talking Heads | Album: Talking Heads: 77

I heard it's banned in Canada.

What, no Jag E-Type posts? IIRC Jeremy Clarkson described it as "Supercar, for the price of Supra".

Another Japanese tuner in the spot of Jalopnik.

I'd bet money this was in Florida.

As a science popularizer, he's done his job by instigating this very conversation.

My dad was on the USS Springfield during it's North Sea tour in the early 70's (I think), and he would talk about how terrible the seas were up there.

How about Japanese Bike Babes? Can they stay??