
Detroit pizza, ride or die.

Throwing my hat in the ring for Detroit pizza, which is the one true pizza.

Yes, he was listed in the credits

But Patrick Warburton would make the best live action Brock Samson

Where the fuck is BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES, at least as the Runner-Up for B? Having X-MEN on the list but not having BATMAN is a crime against humanity! (I really enjoyed X-MEN as a kid, but that cartoon is a pile of shit)

I fully expected that link to direct to Rubicon, as well. I stand behind that show 100%, forever and always.

Bob Benson is on a new TV show called THE CRAZY ONES, so I guess he's too busy to come back.

Why no love for that scene with Ken and Joan. I lol'ed when Ken tossed Joan's earring, and bumped the door on his way out.

One of those people is named Bryan Fuller. You can watch his shipping every Friday night at 10pm.