This exactly.
This exactly.
“I didn’t expect that it would get to this point, so I guess this is a good problem to have, but it’s also funny to me that they care about this enough to take action,” Thurm said.
I was in an horrific car accident that busted open my skull when I was 11, and I still have a scar running across my head from the surgical staples they used to patch me up after neurosurgery. Are you picturing an office stapler or something?
I thought he was fine, but I want an All About Eve-themed Oscars, with Taran Killam hosting the entire thing as Addison DeWitt.
I will never stop confusing him with Bryan:
My mother worked at a retirement home in Beverly Hills, and a lot of them have basically been abandoned as well. But you will be happy to know that Joseph Gordon Levitt visits his grandmother.
Been there.
I had head lice as a kid, and they kept passing around my school, so we got it multiple times. I was filled with anxiety about it for years. I pictured what having my first kiss would be like, and then all of the sudden, I would imagine him finding head lice in my hair. When I went swimming at a pool, I noticed a…
I do prefer to be on bottom as well, but I find it does take more skill from the man than with me on top.
True. Compatible/incompatible is probably a more accurate way to phrase things. To me, “good in bed” is mostly about enthusiasm and communication. A man would be bad in bed if he did not give a shit how I was doing, or ignored what I said and how I responded. (And so would I, if I acted that way.)
Yeah, I just assumed the number would be a little bit more in the middle between the heterosexual and lesbian number, instead of a single percentage point off from the heterosexual number.
I want that job.
“A woman could give the most robotic, perfunctory, unenthusiastic blowjob and he would still have an orgasm.” —- Not true.
Based on my small sample, this seems to be the most difficult skill for men. I married the only man I knew who got it right.
I’m genuinely confused as to how the relationship lasted three months.
A) Blowjobs are not easy to do. Have you ever given one?
I’ve always told them, and generally had them watch while I finished up so they would know for the next time. But it hasn’t happened often. I kind of orgasm at the drop of a hat, vaginal, oral whatever (except vibrators- I have no luck with those things), and even the jerks I’ve dated have been generous in bed.
Why are bisexual women having so few orgasms?
I haven’t seen that one, but it sounds like yes.