How much money could I make selling trompe-l’œil penis shadow boxer briefs?
How much money could I make selling trompe-l’œil penis shadow boxer briefs?
Not at all! Here is a link to where I found it:
That could work. Thank you.
Wait- scratch the body farm in Texas idea. It is a good idea, but I can’t risk becoming a ghost and being stuck in the Texas desert. No thank you.
Realistically, I will probably donate my body to a medical school. But I was reading Witches of America last week, and it mentioned this body farm in Texas where scientists study what happens to your body when it gets left out in the open. A section of the body farm allows vultures to feast on your remains. That works…
I think that, for whatever reason, women seem to have more idiosyncratic tastes than men. Like, I can see that Captain America is very pretty, but he does zero for me. However, I could objectify this gif of a young Marlon Brando all day, and I promise you that I am not looking at it and thinking about what a great…
My husband and I have always shared our pastime of talking to each other about whom we find attractive. I enjoy it. Except the day before and after I start my period. That is not a good time for that game.
I file it under cold feet, but that’s really an individual call. Mostly I blame Miranda for all of the major breakups on that show. She’s a real shit-stirrer.
Meh, Big was just late. She dumped him. In fact, I’m pretty sure she dumped him for every one of their breakups through the entire series.
The headline implied that there would be a replacement Millihelen, and I am sad that there apparently is not.
Wait, I thought his deeply held Catholic beliefs were a big part of his jurisprudence.
I don’t even have a problem with ads in general, but I finally gave in and got Adblocker because too many sites allow ads that use repulsive imagery. Don’t blame me, man. Blame that picture of the woman whose torso is a foot, close-up pictures of durian, and then a host of other images that seem to exist to trigger…
This is really the best possible response.
Yeah, I’ve always hated this movie for that relationship. And just in general, Dermot Mulroney should probably never be in romantic comedies. He may be lovely in real life, but the characters he plays all seem to nurse a seething hatred of their significant others. He really creeps me out.
Yeah, I moved to California (LA County, not city) after living in MA and the Midwest, and after years of getting zero attention from men, I was suddenly rolling in dicks. And since we’re talking about looks, the guys in the Midwest and East who rejected me were way less attractive than the dudes in California who were…
Well, thanks for that. I was literally agreeing with you and I just went off on a tangent, and now I feel stupid and it’s too late to delete my post.
If you see that picture, and don’t recoil in horror, I don’t think I can help you.
When I saw that picture, I was just impressed that you were willing to sacrifice even more of your own legroom to your baby, when we already get so little. I can’t believe people had a problem with it.