Maverick’s just upset because they got his Goose.
Maverick’s just upset because they got his Goose.
I say this is ... slightly less silly than when Jamie Foxx thought Tarantino was saying something outlandish when he used the phrase “that ghetto” to characterize restricting assessment of Morricone’s art to “film music”.
That’s the opposite of a hot take, it’s an indisputable fact. Any eligible voter who didn’t place a vote for Hillary (the only other person who had a chance of winning this recent election) has completely forfeited their right to complain about anything Trump does over the next four years.
“Evans apparently commented on someone else’s Instagram post and said he did not vote in the election.”
Maybe try voting, you fucking dick whistle.
They voted for a black guy twice; why wouldn’t they vote for someone who’s jewish? I’m not talking about the Trump voters in the south and other parts of the country; I’m specifically talking about the white guys, many of them union, in the rust belt that put Obama over the top but then switched to Trump. Obama got a…
And Obama was easily reelected and is leaving office with a stratospheric approval rating.
Nobody cares about the socialist label. This isn’t the 1950's.
You’re full of shit. I’ve been using the same name for years here— they could just ban the user name if I had ever gone over the line to that degree, or they could ban the IP address entirely. I remember the posts you’re talking about, and there were also hardcore images of porn being posted. Not me, sunshine. If I…
Woah- salty! Do you kiss your sheep with that mouth, Clem?
How do you get off on calling someone a cunt, you pathetic little shitbag?
As I’ve said repeatedly, what caused doesn’t matter. The fact is, an elderly white man got into a minor car accident with two black men. The men then became to beat the shit out of him. A mob of black people then formed to watch the incident, gleefully cheering on the attackers (“BEAT HIS ASS!”) and assuming the old…
Actually the guy in the first video was in a incident where a car got scraped and people pulled him out of his car and beat him. The onlookers were yelling that he was a Trump voter just because he was white. Even the victim says there was no way they could know who he voted for, no stickers etc on his car
Actually the guy in the first video was in a incident where a car got scraped and people pulled him out of his car and beat him. The onlookers were yelling that he was a Trump voter just because he was white. Even the victim says there was no way they could know who he voted for, no stickers etc on his car
Only it’s not just the police that will back them up, but the press as well.
I’m glad she’s going to face some consequences for doing something this shitty. She’s made it harder for women who’ve actually been harassed like this to be believed—as though I didn’t worry enough already about hijab-wearing women in my family being targeted by Trumpites.
While I can’t even pretend to know the truth in this case, neither can anyone else who isn’t directly associated with the case. Therefore, I find the title of this article misleading and biased and the article full of logical fallacies like post hoc ergo propter hoc assuming that because Trump was elected that people…
Considering this is the same site that thought the Rolling Stone story was true, you might want to wait a bit before assuming this girl is telling the truth. You idiots don’t have a great track record of recognizing obvious bullshit— and that’s because you want people to be victims, since it validates your worldview.
Well we have proof that the beaten Trump supporters in these videos weren’t lying about their attacks, but has anyone been arrested? Not that I know of. Violence seems to be legal if you’re a Democrat.
She was lying. This doesn’t shock anyone with a double digit IQ.