Would you mind tweaking the title? It seems you either spelled Liberal wrong or White wrong. Either way title seems to stereotyping.
Would you mind tweaking the title? It seems you either spelled Liberal wrong or White wrong. Either way title seems to stereotyping.
Did you see the picture of Colin Kaeperknick standing in line to vote? No? Yeah, I guess he decided to kneel on this one too.
I’m not a Taylor stan either, but I find the attitude to her a bit disheartening. Katy Perry (who out-earned Taylor last year) gives $10k to PP and is a hero. Taylor gave $1million to flood relief, but she’s probably a bitch, right? :/ also, innocent until proven guilty. There’s zero evidence she supports Trump.
How she voted is none of your damn business.
Half of eligible voters didn’t vote and Clinton only won the popular vote by 400,000. Half of America may not have supported Trump, but half didn’t care enough to even make a stand against him.
Was at the game. Weird experience. It was always fun to hate Mexico’s guts with a passion. But that was sports, that made it fun. The animosity was restrained tonight. Maybe it’s because us soccer fans are a bunch of liberal hipster weenies, but it just didn’t feel right tonight to have the same level of animosity. So…
As if anyone who voted for Trump watches soccer. Wake me up when a Mexican wins the Daytona 500.
Get em beaners!
Mets fan too, I’m bummed about this.
“What’s for dinner?”
As sad as I am as a Mets fan to see Bartolo go at least he’s in the NL where we can still see him bat
“The idea of reaching out to poor whites as much as we reach out to other minorities in order to build a strong coalition of those suffering from inequality seems like a good one to me.”
Sounds suspiciously racist to me...
Sorry Brody, they are exactly racist pacifiers. They had at least 3 other candidates they could have chosen and they went with the racist/misogynist one. And now acts of hate seem to be spiking across the nation. I have zero empathy fucks to give.
This brings up a lot of strong emotions for me.
Penn, Michigan and Wisconsin hadn’t gone Republican in nearly 30 years. Large forces pushed them red, and guns were part of that. In all 5 of those states, gun control, or rather the fear of gun control, is at all times a major electoral issue. Was it the only thing that lost those states? No. But she only lost by…
Is it the person that wrote an article titled
When they’re casting the stones? Fuck yes.
I dunno man. HRC lost by about 1% in Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Those are all huge gun-owning states. Pissing on their heads and telling them it was rain was probably not the right thing to do.
Ironically, Dems plowed ahead with Hillary Clinton with the same tunnel-vision aplomb as Vince does with Roman Reigns, damn the polarizing reaction.