
Can we please stop doing this! instead of fucking people that chose not to vote for Hilary lets do something to change the reality that huge swathes of the population are racist, bigoted morons. lets do something to change the political system for the better. lets give people candidates they really want to vote for.

Wouldn’t people voting for Johnson take away from Trump’s votes? Why is it assumed that if these people hadn’t voted for Johnson, they would’ve voted for Hillary?

we all know that. And the idiot progressives that wrote editorials this morning about it being about race ARE the problem.

If they are legal immigrants, she has to tell them they are safe. We can’t let panic be stoked here, especially in our children. If they are undocumented, it’s a much more complicated and troubling conversation.

I remember when Obama won and Republicans refused to work with him on anything, refused day 1, and made it their goal to oust him in the first term.

Yet Trump outperformed Romney among blacks and Latinos. I can’t even.

Fuck you for pushing the most hated Democrat in the United States and expecting people to vote for her.

Libs will just keep hating. They pretend to be so understanding of everyone yet heaven forbid you have a difference of opinion and they attack you relentlessly for it.

I’m convinced it’s a direct reaction to people like you

Our bullshit sensationalistic media cost us this election. Thanks everyone. Well done.

“...Speaks For All of Us”

I hope the democrats win the Senate.

Sorry, this is Jezebel, which is where they exploit mentally ill women and men to make money off them and tell them they’re right instead of trying to get them help. You’ll find no rational comments here. Only reason I’m here is to rub their faces in the mess they made like a dog because I’m furious they caused Trump

Not gonna make any difference. Democrats are now just taking participation prizes. And we were fucking laughing all year long. GODDAMNIT!

You’ll get your stars, but Trump is not Hitler. Don’t be a stupid liberal, be a smart one.

Anna Merlan, remember when you got all excited about falsely accusing the boys at UVA of rape? And then you were made a complete fool of?

Newsflash kiddo, you’re already looking at the resistance.

Explain that the Democrats - despite all polling data, common sense, and logic - decided to run the most hated candidate in their party’s history rather than the guy who was poised and predicted to take large amounts of support away from the Republicans.

Thank you for making my point. Wallow in your hatred and anguish, and know that people like you did this to yourselves.

Doesn’t speak for me. You guys did this. You pushed, brow beat and pissed everyone off until they went to Trump. You guys seriously need to reexamine your approach to identify politics in the future.