
Don’t get mad because the democrats did everything possible to foist a fatally flawed candidate on us.

You can’t stomach that people have differing views and actually bought into his policies and not the tabloid bs. Win or lose, probably lose most people are sick of the corrupt 2 party system that fails us constantly. Plus you think we as a nation can allow the Kardashians to be a thing and we wouldn’t have a

I really can’t wait. Either way it’s going to be great. A popcorn munching bit of entertainment for all ages.

Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.

Hell yeah. WE ARE WINNING! WOOHOO! Keep up the good work Annie. You are done. SUCK IT. TRUMP GRABBED YOU BY THE PUSSY AND THE WHOLE PROPAGANDISTIC BULLSHIT around the internet.

LOL @ Jezebel never showing this woman’s image.

Jesus fucking Christ. I wonder how many people are asking Siri “How do I move to Canada?” right now.

This many burning raging racists in the fucking country makes me want to disown the whole fucking thing if Herr Asshat gets into office.

These stupid fuckers think they’re voting for someone to magically make things better, but they’ll learn the hard way that shit always rolls downhill and that’s all that Trump is offering up.

Ily bb

wow. it’s almost like if liberals spend over a year bitching about how evil clinton is and never talking about her upside, people start to believe it or something... 

This is a resounding vote against liberal arrogant and white guilt. No matter who wins; white millennial hipsters LOST big time (as always). LOL

This is not my country.

Right? The vast majority of Johnson supporters are disaffected republicans. Without Johnson, Trump’s already declared the winner.

I know everyone jokes about moving to foreign countries but I’m applying to grad schools at the moment and it’s definitely not too late to get my apps in for schools overseas.

I just fucking can’t. I’m so terrified and so sick right now.

Thank you for the less grim news.

I am safe (and now drunk) in Canada but why America, why?

“The maddening thing about the Democrats is that they refuse to see how easy they could have it. If the party threw its weight behind a truly populist platform, if it stood behind unions and prosecuted Wall Street criminals and stopped taking giant gobs of cash from every crooked transnational bank and job-exporting