Agreed. The writers here don’t seem to realize that Latinx isn’t going to happen, no matter how much they want it to.
Agreed. The writers here don’t seem to realize that Latinx isn’t going to happen, no matter how much they want it to.
Misinterpreted by people who are looking to misinterpret things. At some point, you have to take comments at face value and not reach for offensive context.
God knows we must interpret everything
How about we stop trying to perceive things as racist? How about instead of immediately jumping to “she’s racist she’s the worst” and maybe just acknowledge that she was just mad at a guy who cheap shotted her husband? You’re only perpetuating racism with speech like yours.
just because someone is black, doesnt mean anthing said towards them is racist. if you think like that, than you are the one who needs to rethink your own values.
Oh for fuck’s sake. This is truly the epitome of looking for something to be offended by. It was Twitter; it was a joke; there is no power whatsoever behind it; Richard Sherman was not offended. Case closed.
But if Sherman was white then it’d be fine.. so she can only say these things to people who match her skin tone... got it. #themoreyouknow
If you have to do mental gymnastics to interpret something as racist, it isn’t racist.
Yeah, no. Go threaten the livelihood of anyone and their family and see if you don’t get pushed back.
Where is that coming from? She said nothing even remotely racist, yet somehow you made it about race? Lmao this fuckin website sometimes man.
Males of all colors have balls, right?
There aren’t, unless you’re imagining them. I know it’s hard to believe, but not everything is racially charged.
Gonna go out on a limb and suggest that if the subject of the joke just laughed and moved on, maybe the rest of us should too.
What do they do on the farm about zebras that are incompetent?
Absolutely! There are times when I read things by very far left people and I’m like “Jesus, this is the shit I heard in fucking Sunday school.”
When I was in high school, we learned a political theory that the political continuoum was actually a circle and that far right and far left were in practice indistinguishable from each other (especially in regard to far right dictatorships and communist governments). The Tea Party/Christian fundamentalism and parts…
Naw..... Only the one majoring in Grievance Studies. I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that none of these complainants are engineering students or business students.
Which is also a reasonable opinion that can be expressed without putting anyone who disagrees through a Kafkaesque kangaroo court.
I think that phrase would have been very helpful to the students at my undergrad institution who went on a hunger strike to protest our western-centric core curriculum. Was their concern valid? Yes. Did the hunger strike make them look like damn fools? Absolutely.
When you do get off it give it to these students! So they can maybe also try responding to ideas with.....other ideas! Like the little scholars they aren’t. Instead of bringing frivolous lawsuits. More soapboxes for everyone, i’m srsly.