
As Drew is a former Chopped Champion, I am disappointed he did not mention making your own pizza. A quick google search will show you dough is stupidly easy to make. Using fresh mozz and your favorite toppers cannot be beaten.

If they fire Gruden our long national nightmare will have finally ended.

Limiting shifts or forcing players to stay in certain spots is stupid. The defenses adjusted now the hitters need to adjust. A couple bunts and defenses won’t shift as much.

After a slow start it picked up for me. Seeing Commander Shepard, I mean a Host, get captured was a high point of the season. Looking forward to season 2.

We’ve been calling Lucifer Murder He Wrote.

Who mixes scrambled eggs in a pan while it’s cooking? A monster, that’s who.

The music was awesome in this episode. More please!

It’s not just the Redskins, everyone one in Washington thinks you are stupid.

I’ve used the same North Face backpack the last 10 or so years. That thing is so durable. It’s all black and little beat up but looks good.

This is why I gave up on consoles. I have ascended to the PC. Sure there’s set up time but payoff is way better.

Unless you have a dominant defense and/or running game the QB will be the most important player on the field.

Being a software engineer does not mean i can “fix” your computer. I write code. I’m not helpdesk, no disrespect I did my time. I try to explain that there are brain surgeons and foot surgeons. You wouldn’t want the foot one working on your brain or brain one working on your foot.

Watch several episodes of the Dog Whisperer before getting a dog or if you even have a dog. Seriously Cesar knows what he is talking about. Even after owning dogs my whole life I’ve seen something on his show and said to myself “Fuck, I didn’t know that”.

I’m pretty sure that’s Rob Dyrdek. Sorry might of been mentioned below but i’m too lazy to look through all the comments.

Vince Lombardi and Chuck Noll's career sound eerily similar. The Steelers had one playoff appearance until Noll showed up and were a laughingstock of the league. Drafted some of the greatest players of all time and ran off four super bowls in the seventies. Overall win percentage not as good as Lombardi or

Fantasy is like betting on the games. Don't bet with your emotions. I love the Steelers but you can bet that I'm starting every WR I have against them.

I'm so mad right now. What self respecting pothead smokes blunts in the middle of the day on a busy highway. At least do it before you get in the car, not while. Dummies.

The crazy thing is, he pops up off of third and thinks about going home since the catcher was way out there. Apparently some one covered home just enough.