Garrus Targaryen

Frostpunk looked interesting on the Steam page, but the reported (lack of) replayability is preventing me from trying it.

I build carbon fiber stringers for these wings. (Don’t) ask me anything (because I’m just a lowly machinist).

This is a rhetorical question, right? Golden is clearly the true villain.

This is a terrible, terrible take. What kind of stone-hearted curmudgeon hates Stan Lee cameos?

What is this, Miami Beach?

It’s too big to be a classic SUV. Can they make a Colorado-sized classic SUV? With two doors?

From the point of view of the characters these deaths, these losses, mean something, and I would hope by now you’d be invested enough in the characters (and the way they’re portrayed by these actors) to appreciate what it means for them IN the story.

Holy shit man, when Spider-Man faded away, I almost started ugly crying. That’s exactly how I would expect a kid to handle that situation. Tom Holland nails the performance of Peter/Spidey so well. If that skill carries over to his non-MCU performances, he’ll probably be one of Hollywood’s leading men before too much

I am so happy that Intelligence is in quotes.

The white one looks like a Subaru

Huh. I went to watch the scene on YouTube, convinced that yeah, he removes your anchored hand. But all I’m seeing is Solas do some kind of magic, turning and walking away... but in the next scene, your Inky is definitely missing their arm below the elbow... so huh, that’s weird.

The conflict does rather peter out after the Grey Warden fortress. When you have to leave someone behind in the Fade, holy shit what a nightmare decision (even if your world state had that crappy no-name Warden... mine had Loghain though)... just the idea of leaving someone to live or die inside the Fade... a horrible

Glad someone said it, I was gonna say it myself if not.

My first two games of FTL, I got wrecked... couldn’t even make it to the boss, let alone fight it.


9 year old me thought the Rocketeer was terrific.

Date Acquired: Feb. 2018

Point of fact: unidirectional carbon fiber layup matrices are much stronger and impact-resistant than aluminum, even so-called “military grade” aluminum, and this CotD is ignorant.

This is a great quest.