
“The organization Down With Disney’s Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys, or NAMBLA...”

Yes, he is.

Literally anyone could have written that false information. Your sources are suspect.

This is the only important article I’ve yet seen about this movie.

Can you imagine how much worse the John Williams score could have been without a blatant lift from Dvorak!

I got a Community notification for this?

I mean, you’re still gonna die. Happy Tuesday!

I eat animals. All the time. I just don’t have the gene that makes me have to tell everyone about it. Or the gene that somehow makes me feel like a better person than others because I eat steak sometimes.

There he is! The meat-eater who wants every one to know how brave he is for having a conventional diet.

“crash commercialism” 

Your million comments are this innocuous article are what’s creepy, dude.


Huh? I thought it was self-evident why Netflix would not release their own figures.

They are beating the shit out of a regular rice krispie that is holding a tiki torch.

I spent exactly three minutes of my life trying to star this comment, but I kept getting bounced out to other Rick and Morty-related articles because this dumb website doesn’t load correctly anymore.

I got a Community notification for this?