I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.
I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.
I have to disagree with your wife. At 73 my dad was fit and lean. He still climbed atop silos to repair them, drove the Cat around to lift and stack hay bales. He could move a house full of furniture.
I’m getting so tired of this. They couldn’t even pass the public option without defections. There is no way in hell they could have passed single payer.
I just finished it and I loved it. The acting is terrific, the plotting and counter-plotting is very well done, and while the whole thing is a pile of absolute nonsense, it’s entertaining nonsense. For my fellow fans, please enjoy this video of every grunt in Taboo:
My wife and I are of two thoughts on this. I, as a portrait painter, have never found someone so objectively repulsive or ugly in my life (i.e. the episode when Marge is tasked with painting Mr. Burns). I find it difficult to even look at a picture of the creature. My wife looks at it as a matter of perspective, if he…
Hey hey, now, I’m gonna have to step up and defend Dick Durbin, who I am very glad is my senator.
There is a huge difference in sharing something on your own terms and being freaked out about privacy invasions.
You must be right because, based on your comments, I loathe everything about you.
Can you please not call us Zio-bots?
We need to stop with heaping this ridiculous criticism of Emily Shire. In the same piece you criticize, she mentions her desire for a Two State Solution. If you wanna say that some (hell, maybe many) Zionists are too extreme and uncompromising, sure. But Emily Shire is not one of them. Her piece is a direct reaction…
Also, Judaism explicitly defines life as beginning at birth; I suspect we’re not the only religion to do so. I genuinely feel my religious freedom is trampled by having government use another religion’s definition of life to restrict my medical options.
There would be verifiable harm to my employer if I went to work for a competitor while on vacation. There is no verifiable harm to them, and “our hearts bleed when sluts use birth control” is not a cause of action. You have to have fucking standing, and you have to prove actual damages. It’s grotesque to foist your…
Using paid time off to work for a competitor might be a violation of a non-compete clause. Denying medications for religious reasons is more like a company telling employees “Don’t go to California on your vacation, they’re all godless liberals.”
What he means is he’d “walk out” and go have brunch at some snooty country club where he and his white man friends would toast overturning Roe vs. Wade
i read a story about him, he’s really gone through some pretty horrible stuff as a kid so maybe I should take back my hate. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2016/04/18/dax-shepard-molested-child/83201978/
Stories can be any length. In fact, the scariest story in the world is sixteen words long:
Read that last line as “I just felt like sharting.” and was about to suggest you go to the doc, too. #whoops
Once I cheerfully asked my boss “need a hand?!” while he was unloading a truck.
My boss has one arm. I don’t know if I could have turned any redder.
To be fair to Kristi Y, I do stupid shit like that all the time too and it’s not intentional . I once randomly blurted out “Drugs!” to a friend whose husband was in rehab, so I can’t judge.
Kevin later moved to NYC, became a club kid and a drug addict. This brought back his violent tendencies and he murdered his dealer/roommate and went to jail.