
God, that. post. Still gives me migraine sparkles when I think of it. If you had to go out, that was the biggest flaming pyre of hot takes you could have thrown yourself on. Good on you.

an argument could be made that he’s not using the day term correctly.

“Drew’s good with me.

I don’t get why you boys feel the need to post jokes and shallow vapid pieces all day. How hard is it to do a couple of gossipy-fun posts (you know celebs, sports what the fuck ever that is silly and fun), a couple of updates on what the administration is doing, and updates on the Women’s Strike Day? Why are you all

Remember on election day when all those idiot men at Deadspin said they weren’t voting or were voting third party or various other dumb shit?

This show debuted yesterday. Try again.

I had a fling with Hunter in college! He’s a nice guy but too fucked up for more than a fling, trust me. He was hotter than hot back then.

Him? No. Young Tim Kaine? Ayuuuup.

Good for him. I won’t speculate on his circumstances, but I will say I know people who have “used weed medically” but it can be a slippery slope if they’re not working with a doctor and they have other underlying problems. Don’t get me wrong, I smoke weed and I used to smoke a TON of weed in high school/college, but

I know. They have overplayed their hand with Mr. Khan. He is a ivy league educated citizen of 30 years and a Gold Star member. His federal case will be a huge FUCK YOU to TrumPutin and President Bannon. It is shows a abuse of power ( and we all know it does), it can open more boxes.

As a Kentuckian, I’d like to take just a second to try to explain our enduring tolerance for Yertle the Turtle:

Kentucky, as I’m sure pretty much everyone here knows, has been and still is the butt of just about every “lol country folk” joke out there. Whether it has to do with being a little too close to our cousins,

While I don’t at all disagree - and 100% agree this man is a hero - I want to also make sure we focus on those women serving our country who put their bodies on the line to defend us all, and yet find those same bodies sexually violated by their peers for cheap thrills. Those women, and all women, deserve better.

I’d say she was being hypocritical if she had said that, like, yesterday.

But please remember that abortion is the true sin.

The whole thing is about how Jewish you are. The categories, from left (being the “best”) to right (being the “worst”) Go

Pretty sure the forces of hate don’t regard Jews as white. But that doesn’t invalidate your point. We need to call this what it is ...the first ripples of a pogrom tsunami.

Mao & Stalin weren’t trying to commit genocide & intentionally wipe out an entire culture. Whereas Hitler was guilty of genocide which is why he’s considered the worst. Ditto: Genghis Khan, Leopold II of Belgium, Tomas de Torquemada.

Just because you havent been personally targeted yet doesn’t mean things aren’t bad.