
And not only can their candidate do that, it’s easy. The only reason it hasn’t been done yet is a conspiracy by The Corporate Democratic Establishment to never enact their own platform, and Democratic voters are just hopeless suckers for not understanding that.

So no fucking response to Tom’s record on police reform, voter suppression, or the unions that supported him? No response to the unemployment rate? Just more rants about TPP and racial slurs? So any person who supports Bernie and Keith but also supports whoever wins is a “neoliberal shill”?

Yeah, sure my Black/Arab/Berber ass who voted for Bernie in the primary is a “Clintonite Corporatist.” Never mind that I wrote that I originally supported Pete or Keith before Tom...but how dare I say Tom is a also a good person and will do a good job. Never mind the fact that I pounded the pavement for Bernie during

How does one determine the “actual center” versus “America’s center”? That’s a very pretty chart but it doesn’t match with any analysis of American politics over time that I’m aware of. Eisenhower to Obama’s left? Eisenhower around the same as Sanders?

I’m a progressive and I supported Clinton. You don’t get to redefine a word to fit your narrow requirements.

We who have been members of the Democratic Party since we registered to vote in ‘93.

I suspect you’d find a weirdly high percentage of Bernie-or-busters previously backed Ron Paul 100%. They don’t know how politics works, but they’re goddamn furious about it and want everything to change somehow.

Yeah, and we listened and voted the other way.

The people you elect to Congress and the Presidency also don’t have stated policies about every decision that might come up during their tenure. Like all forms of representative democracy, you vote for the people you think will best represent your interests.

Every election, my ballot comes with a slip including candidates for Democratic precinct captains. I can vote for them. I can also run. Several people I know have done so and then gone to vote for delegates to the state and national conventions. Those delegates then elect the DNC chair.

You don’t approve of the delegates your state sent to the DNC? Did you vote in your precinct elections?

435 “party hacks”? You mean the members of Democratic State Committees that were elected to represent the Democratic Party on a national scale? And who got to be on the Democratic State Committee because they were elected from their local Democratic councils? The DNC is made up of members elected from all the way down

Apparently Ellison didn’t have more support from people in the party. Because they voted, and Perez won.

Also, “seriously considering leaving the party” over essentially the support staff, and not because, you know... Your local representative or senate candidates, gubernatorial candidates, or presidential candidates.

In all seriousness I genuinely don’t think there was a huge groundswell of young women and POC begging for EITHER candidate. The head of the DNC is really not usually considered to be this huge a deal or particularly contentious. The candidate that you liked is now deputy head of the DNC. They’re getting along and

THANK you. Jesus Christ there are some dramatic people up in here. Everything I’ve read indicates they are extremely similar. Just because Bernie endorsed Ellison doesn’t make Perez Satan incarnate. I quite like Sanders, but he does inspire some rabid followers...

Are you this stupid and selfish naturally?

The two men are united, and both wasted no time saying so. One would think we could follow their lead!

I literally had to read your comment several times to try to figure out that you WEREN’T just saying “god forbid we respect the DNC chair.” Because I mean...if you’ll literally leave the party because the guy you liked (which, let’s be honest, a lot of people were fired up about Bc a dude who doesn’t even call himself