
Grace Hopper was a truly remarkable individual, and this is a long overdue step towards giving her the sort of recognition she truly deserves. She was a gifted pioneer in computer science, being instrumental to the creation of COBOL, one of the very first high level programming languages. Without her, we basically

#notallRussianJews but I feel the need to point out that my great-aunt is a Russian Jew. Her mother was raped by Russian soldiers during a pogrom during or after WWI and she hates Donald Trump with such a furious passion that my (liberal!) dad was shocked and I was like, “Yes! Go you.” She was born and raised in New

My favorite transition story ever is that Clinton staffers removed all the “W’s” from the White House computer keyboards before they left. That move was petty as fuck and it makes me deliriously happy every time I think about it.

I don’t think I disagree with you on that. But stupid bans and walls and completely unqualified idiots being appointed to important positions, like, I don’t know, Secretary of Education, they’re all just to make people “feel” better about what’s happening. It’s garbage.

No, in fact, I use that area to talk about how there are some issues (like loss of jobs, real), but then there are areas of concern that are complete bullshit (like, say, our problems would be solved by banning muslims and making a fucking ridiculously fucking stupid and expensive wall for a country that has declining

You know, it’s one thing to try and tap into the Appalachian/rural America despondency and try to get votes out of their “feelings” about how the country has gone to the shitter (read: their neighborhood lost its jobs, so the country has gone to the shitter, oh and colored people, mooslims, blah blah). It’s quite

Because of Trump’s attacks on the NYT, I bought a subscription today. Sunday delivery + online.

Seeing that video makes me feel a whole lot better about wearing one brown shoe and one black shoe today and not noticing until after lunch.

I spent many of my college years telling people how big my dick was. It just made people think I had a really small dick. They were wrong, of course - because I’m totally huge (girth too!). But the moral is, repetition to a half-intelligent audience can often just lead to skepticism. Repetition to a bunch of morons,

This is the basic response I’ve been seeing from the can’t-let-it-go Bernie supporters, crying WHY ISN’T HILLARY FIGHTING FOR US NOW????

She doesn’t have to save us, because we failed her. We bought into nearly three decades of shit levied against her and her family. She bought into it to the degree that she thought that if she played along she’d be fine. But then politicians had to be “cool”.

Right? How dare she take some time to mourn her loss, figure out what she wants to do next, and recover like a human fucking being? She should have put on a cape and some boots and swept in IMMEDIATELY. What a selfish bitch she is.

Give HER a fucking break. I’ve fucking had it with churlish, compassion-free lefties

College Republicans have this all figured out!

Meanwhile, is it Saturday Night Live yet?

The so-called President is STILL losing the popular vote to Hillary.

You missed the best line:

u mad bro?

He’s so stupid. He’s so fucking stupid and corrupt and evil.

That’s why she’s saving it. She’s going to walk away with a tidy sum, when this is over.