
I think you ignore regional differences. Hawaii had a republican governor from 2002-2010 who was probably to the left of many mainland “blue dog” democrats. Pro-choice, socially fairly moderate; I was not a fan, and had I still lived there I would have voted against her, but she was not cut from the same cloth as

Yeah we’re all angry dude. But tarring and feathering the defectors isn’t going to win us any new allies. Better to show support when someone crosses that line so we can encourage others to do the same rather than see them quietly go along with their crowd.

Don’t burn yourself on that take.

i work at a law firm, and i manage our conference room booking. there’s one attorney who never calls ahead to schedule, gets annoyed when there isn’t a room for him, and then bullies everyone else into giving up their space.

“Kanye knows he is a media sensation..”

You’re literally using the “I’m not a fascist, I have a Jewish coworker” argument as if it worked for the people who claimed “I’m not racist, I know a black person.” You can’t possibly think this, right? It’s illogical and laughable.

You certainly cleared that up. Willfully obtuse, it is.

Unless you’re trying to be ironic, that is an amazing evasion of the consequence of those facts. The equivalent of saying, “Oh no. I didn’t set the bomb off. I merely found all the parts, assembled them in a very specific manner, and gave the package to a fellow enthusiast. I don’t want to hurt anyone, I’m just

“Looks like he vomits more often than he showers” is an apt phrase that I’ve heard about him.

and here goes time magazine

Beyonce has always been quite thirsty and basic. It comes with the territory of celebrity self-promotion and appealing to the masses.

I believe Beyoncé is pregnant with twins. I also believe that Blue was born via surrogate.

This whole shoot is just so very...extra? I’d expect nothing less of Beyoncé, of course, and she should do what she likes. But it all just seems so strange—how very odd to be her and live that kind of life and to do weird things like this photoshoot.

Cry more. All else aside, that else being that she undoubtedly deserved it more, you actually believe a Jew would have won? Awareness is a wonderful thing.

How to Be Popular and Still Lose: An Anthology

“All the horrific ways I’ve dreamed of killing Anthony Weiner, James Comey, and Donald Trump: A Series of Short Essays By Hillary Clinton”

“Fuck All Y’All!: Life After the Most Difficult Year of My Life by Hillary Clinton.

“Bitch I Told U: A Series of Short Essays By Hillary Clinton”

Ha, as if books will survive this.

Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.