
Lock! Him! Up!

These motherfuckers are all a bunch of traitors.

No! Tom Price was your Representative. Now he’s Secretary of HHS.

Looks like new info on Bharara’s firing has come to light. Seems he was looking into this dipshit before the hammer came down.

Just did!

So, we’re all making donations in this fool’s name now, right?

This is one of the things about this administration that hits me that hardest. Public education is so important. And there are so many things that need fixing but this isn’t the way to do it. This isn’t going to help out most vulnerable students. I’m just so sad :-(

Less meat is grew however a vegan or vegetarian diet that doesn’t use shade-grown and agroforestry products is extremely harmful to the planet. Slash and burn agriculture caused one of the worst environmental disasters in history last year. This includes all produce, not just soy. Short of that, vegan diets are not at

Look, he said he’d drain the swamp, not clean it.

he could initiate the four-year process to withdraw

I don’t understand people who think God created the planet in all of its magnificence in 7 days but don’t care about the environment. If god made you this majestic place to live and you think if you act appropriately enough on earth you will meet him again in heaven, don’t you think “what did you do to save my planet

And they came into being in response to egregiously harmful practices by business. Somebody didn’t just go “Hey Let’s create an agency to monitor the environment because we hate business and want to make it difficult for them.” They did it because businesses were dumping their waste into our air and water and it was