
Don Jr. is the one where you look at his pudding face with that fake chin button floating on it and go cripes, can the white human male get any more undeserving of its own constant ego boosts?

The RC Cola of Christmas gifts.

Oh, he’s joygasming at this very moment because the Supreme Court upheld the fucking travel ban.


I thought I’d add a new take on a fan favorite.

“Going high” isn’t working. And Meghan should shut up. Who funds her husband’s publication, The Federalist?

It needs to be said many, many times before people notice, apparently.

A conservative pundit, Rick Wilson, has a twitter hashtag, #ETTD — everything Trump touches, dies. I never liked Rudy, but he’s just lost it. And Alan Dershowitz...when I was a pre-law undergrad, he was a HUGELY respected name in the legal world. And now he’s another idiot Trump lackey going on TV rampages and losing

Senility is a bitch

Hi, so I’m just here to ruin the fun and point out that “gipped” or “jipped” or “gypped” —or however you want to write it— is an ethnophaulism against Romani peoples. It’s not a very nice word to say ☹

please don’t denigrate derp like that

This reality tv show administration is just staying true to itself by acting the fool on tv. Heres some more footage from that interview:

Sessions agrees.

Oh please oh please I sure HOPE that’s how it’ll end up. The Universe loves a poetic ending.