
But the stuff James Frey lied about was at least a little plausible, no?

Not Captain America, but it’ll do.

I was kind of board with the closet liberal theory, but now I'm thinking he may be an ISIS recruiting tool

The way the trainers got the cats out of their cages is how my boyfriend gets me out of bed in the morning:

If you’re a true optimist A!!!!!!!!


i laughed; i cried; i watched maggie smith and judi dench talk to each other

the only good thing to come out of this excessive trump coverage is that people are starting to realize just how mindblowingly fucking insane CNN has become.

Wow, some of her other posts on this are really heartbreaking:

Vivien Leigh is having absolutely none of this shit.

What's the best way to pray to this image? Plz advise.

Need a video series that's just you sputtering about this Vivien Leigh comparison