
In importance, she’s probably actually even bigger than Wonder Woman , since the MCU revolves mostly around the Avengers, and Wasp is second to maybe Cap in terms of importance to the Avengers.

None of the properties you mentioned (Twin Peaks, X-Files, Star Wars, Gilmore Girls) are reboots. Each one has the same actors playing the same roles in a continuation of their original stories.

“PersoniFy” :)

Damn you! You made me learn something new today.

“...and THAT’S why you should never be a racist, xenophobic, classist asshole.”

Ant-Man is on Hawkeye’s shoulder.

No Scarlet Witch. No Ant-Man. I am skeptical of these team shots.

“Wellick’s wife, Joanna, has her baby, but tells Wellick that this is actually her second kid. When she was 15, she gave another baby up for adoption, and never felt the need to tell her husband this.”

Brilliant, hilarious troll using that Pixies cover at the end.

No better sight than the view northbound out of the Fort Pitt tunnels after being gone for a long time.

Yeah. Mt Washington really stuck out to me as well.

Yeah looks like they glossed over little islands of tree coverage. Like the bike trails on both sides of the Mon river are dense and completely shaded. They didn’t brin the tree line on Mt. Washington all the way down the cliffs to East Carson, and just drew a line along McArdle Rd.

So that’s why dogs are always sniffing anises.

Ok come on. Pittsburgh’s map is a bit unfair. It looks so red because of the friggen rivers. They highlighted the RIVERS red. What are they supposed to do? Fill up the confluence with barges loaded up with ficus?

Right. As cool as it is, the timing just doesn’t seem right.

With the wooden mount, it looks too much like a trophy head. Ermm.... I’d rather have one of those bases where it looks like it’s busting through your wall. Not hanging on your wall because you’re a piece of shit dentist from Minnesota who has a need to kill exotic animals to feel like a man.

A mounted Battle Cat trophy head?

I think there's a dentist from Michigan that might be interested.

Ugh, after what happened to Cecil, I, honestly, don’t know if I should recommend this thing, or not...

You left out the begining with the drug dealer guy that Elliot turned in realizes it was Elliot. Then the very end where Elliot gets a call from the drug dealer from a phone left in Elliots apt!!