
To be fair, when you said he directed Gone Girl you may have confused by the fact that he did direct “Gone Baby Gone” starring his little brother. It’s a lot of “Gone”s and Afflecks to keep track of.

It didn’t materially affect your point, but minor pedantry is my superpower. :)

(As well as won several Oscars for directing)

Correction, two of the movies he has directed won Oscars.

I am thinking we will find out the cure also makes you immune to zombism in the next season. But it was still boneheaded of Liv to do that, she doesn’t wheter it will stick or not.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... “Best?!” I’m a New Yorker, and we would HARDLY call Sbarro pizza the “best.” It’s basically one of thee few things we agree on.

Absolutely not, the show’s budget was clearly increased, which Harmon has confirmed. The most obvious evidence being the fact that they have more sets and have been doing scenes outdoors and off the sound stage.

It’s actually larger, and it shows in the fact that it’s better lit and the increased amount of location shooting.

I do not. And frankly, I’m not sure the show really needs much of a budget, right?

Community has been very good on Yahoo. No drop in quality as far as I can tell.

Also, every second you put off gets you closer to a rogue internet spoiler!!!

Honestly, this is reminiscent of my childhood and the discussions around game secrets (Mortal Kombat) and it couldn’t make me any more giddy.

There’s almost 20 years between the end of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. The Clones were grown and matured rapidly, so it’s reasonable to assume they’ll also age more rapidly than a normal human would - the preview for Star Wars: Rebels shows Commander Rex as grey and rather aged, and that’s still very pre-BBY.


It’s nice. Another bonus, is being able to watch The Chris Gethard show on your actual TV.

I think he meant he didn’t know anything about rumors connecting him to the movie, and that his little cousin told him about the rumors.

Seems plausible since we did come out from the sea.

They're done with movie-length origin stories, doesn't mean they won't show or at least explain a new hero's origin.

Best Batman on TV.