
I’m the wake of Grenfell Tower, the timing is horrific at best.

DAST!!! It was in the movie even!

Walton Goggins was most definitely NOT on Deadwood, let alone had a “huge role”.

*former WWE wrestler Cody Rhodes

5 shows. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Punisher.

100km you say? Still not as impressive as 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA!

DARTH Vader! Show some respect!

So, is Gotham introducing the Mutants gang from TDKR?

His name is Echo Kellum, not McCallum.

So sad. He was great the first time I ever saw him in a scene with Larry David on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Rest in peace, Anton.

It was only revealed in the movie’s novelization. Hardly canon for the MCU, but I find it interesting. (And a little troubling given Marvel Studio’s track record of white-washing Asian characters)

I don’t think he was credited as anything other than computer nerd in the movie and IMDB, but in the novelization, the nerd that was bribed with pizza was named Amadeus Cho.

aka Amadeus Cho

You know he was supposed to be Amadeus Cho, right?

Hudson Yang’s Eddie Huang from Fresh Off The Boat was born to play Ganke.

Only clicked the link to confirm that someone immediately came to the defense of Lying Cat.

I’m sure the information is available elsewhere, but maybe include the specific “when” of the event?

Oh wow, I like this.

Thank you! I hate how irked I find myself when someone uses “unique” in an analog fashion. It’s either one-of-a-kind or it isn’t. “Distinct” is the word one should use most of the time when tempted to write “more/most/less unique”.
