
Reminds me a bit of a little midnight bus ride I took with the Doctor years back...

Reminds me a bit of a little midnight bus ride I took with the Doctor years back...

Reminds me a bit of a little midnight bus ride I took with the Doctor years back...

Nice doily.

Like, a canoe made of failure? That's a new one.

Anyone else old enough to remember Advanced Dungeons and Dragons for Intellivision? I'd watch my dad play and get so scared by the demon and the dragon. Even just the sound effects letting you know they were near made me tense up.

Do you need an X-Box One to Kinect charge, or will a 360 work ok?

I wanted a name that was also a playful taunt. madeyouread :P

Paul Muad D'ib belongs on this list more than Rautha or Fenring, everyone thought he was the big KH, when in fact it would be Leto II, Paul's son, the true "chosen one".

He's just not quite right for Diana though.

Not exactly related, but can anyone tell me who this guy is?

Too old to submit, but I took this with an iPhone 5 and a ridiculous amount of direct natural sunlight.

I'd drop $29.99 for the sex tape.

Is this sarcasm? Are we meant to populate the list ourselves?

If you're referring to the launch lineup of games, I'll have to disagree, Uncharted, Lumines, Wipeout, SuperStardust HD, Mutant Blob Attacks, Rayman, etc...The games were there at the launch, (and they've been coming out pretty steady since around the Vita's first birthday.)

Watched/wept just last week. Pretty much the whole last 15-20 minutes touch me deeply.

Christ, after reading this, I'm fit to be tied.

Wait til you get to "Vincent and the Doctor". You. Will. Weep.

Have you ever even tried one on?

Seems like the limit on regenerations might make it easier to radically alter the next Doctor's appearance re: race, gender.