
That actually helped, thanks, there must be a misspelling or missing word in the middle clauses, but we've both wasted enough time on this. Cheers. Wings. Seinfeld.

"Enough that I do actually go to sleep right then and there, though the day night, just the same, I find myself playing Fire Emblem well into the night."

Dunno if the X-Men ever tangled with him much, but I think Dinklage would make a great MODOK.

I really wish I had an argument to this.

I have no problem with the looming launch of the PS4, I just wasn't expecting the announcement quite this soon. I do seem to remember senior Sony exec Kaz Hirai say that they would wait to let Microsoft make the first move in the coming generation...

Am I the only Sony fan hoping that the 2/20/13 announcement isn't the PS4 but actually a huge presser to announce a bunch of amazing looking PS3, and more importantly Vita, games?

Not that it really matters, (but what, if anything, on the internet DOES?) But Gunn's been in England for over a week, so that discussion with Victoria Alonso isn't super fresh.

You don't want a hungry dove down your pants. That's how Tony Wonder lost a nut.

So, that's pretty obviously a screen of Double Dash and not MarioKart64.

Despite the glut of remakes clogging the market, I'd love to see a Wii-Ware (or whatever they might call that on the Wii-U) remake of the original Legend of Zelda. Give me a 2-D top-down HD version of Hyrule in which the art style matches the NES game's original instruction booklet.

I miss the Kacho. Will he ever return to Kotaku? (Yeah, I know I could watch them elsewhere, but for some reason, I really liked the regularly scheduled Retro Game Master episodes on Kotaku.)


A nod to monotheism isn't necessarily one to Christianity.

That's not his home screen, it's his third page of apps.

Viscousness? It's viscosity, and not something often found to be an important factor when considering a car. Teehee, I know the author meant viciousness.

That's also current Deadpool co-scribe Brian Posehn in there as well, btw.

It's a little clunky, but it makes sense. He's saying that despite being in every frame of the movie himself, Favreau and Kingsley offer the two best performances of the film.

I would have been PISSED if I scrolled down and this wasn't the first comment. Thanks for meeting my expectations, internet.

Expand the pic, you can't miss it.

Incidentally, a whole bunch of classic (mostly '70s) Doctor Who was added to Netflix Instant a few days back.