
Made your dad what?

Seau shot himself in the chest with the expressed purpose of preserving his brain for study, Mr. Belcher destroyed his brain, rendering it useless (or at least a poor specimen) for study.

Nah, but it is hard to believe that if you were crossing state lines to pick up a piece of ass, you wouldn't make damn sure she was of age.

Why retire him when they could sell him to Disney?

Is there no fear that the current anti-Japan sentiment in China might make Transformers a poor choice for a franchise looking to film there, let alone be co-financed by a Chinese studio?


Thank you.

The very first Playstation game I ever saw in action...sniff...must be allergic to something in here...sniff...

Sriracha and mayo mixed together makes a delicious spicy mayo for sandwiches (often found behind sushi bars in spicy rolls as well).

I'm reminded of George Bluth, Sr.'s black Friday mass firings where he'd have his employees pack up their own office supplies before the axe fell.

It's Akrobatik, with "K"'s, he raps about video games alot, also pro wrestling if memory serves.

Suck it, Russia.

Now playing

Rooker as Rocket Raccoon sounds great to me, though I know little about the character. And he and Gunn are indeed friends as well as collaborators, so that could totally happen.

So...everyone else also read the "Oh my" part in their head with George Takei's voice, right?

HDMI much?

uni-ball vision. black, fine.

Well, in all my years working as a bartender in an American city, I've never been asked to make a cocktail that required "spooning in salt". Maybe it's just the imagery it conjures, but when I read that I'm seeing a drink with a full teaspoon of salt in it, and it doesn't jibe with my idea of a drink that tastes

"Spoon in salt"? WTF drink are you mixing there?

I had the exact same thought.