
The music from the opening, by the Heavy, is also used as the theme music for Cinemax's Strike Back series, by the way.


Does anyone else think of Rat Things from Snow Crash when they see this?

Or the random assemblage of garden tools in odd spots...

I know I've seen the blue executive/yuppie hulk guy from the beginning of the post somewhere before, but I can't place him. Anyone help me out?

It may just be that very few games from two generations ago hold up well, regardless of how they're displayed, but I do believe the games I tested were of the utmost quality (at least c.1999), so I'm not sure if my argument is valid. To be fair, I haven't spent more than a half an hour with any of the few PSone games

I'm glad that this functionality has finally arrived, but can we all agree that the actual playing of PSone games on the Vita (or PSP for that matter) isn't a very rich experience? Such poor resolution on such a (relatively) small screen just isn't doing it for me.

A Metal Gear movie should have James Bond type settings and action and Escape from NY style characters and general lunacy.

Fantastic foley.

Does anyone else believe that ultimately the book is a big joke on the reader?

A French man who calls himself "The Snake Man" was arrested this week after climbing up the side of a Manhattan high rise. Yep! He climbed right up the side of a high rise. Just like a snake!

Please, Kaz, give Randy a call and make Borderlands on Vita a real thing.

Excellent reason! I don't pay much attention to Wii any more, didn't realize this had been out for such a long while already.

Why wasn't this a "Kotaku Review" review, out of curiosity?

Luke is waaay too Marty McFly, and who is the mohawked punk supposed to be, Lobot?

Well, for $29 and a $9.99 online pass, someone can enjoy the copy I traded in months ago out of disappointment.

Definitely more accessible overall than DFW. I loved Infinite Jest, but it's a hard book to recommend for reasons I won't spoil for you now.

Not for nothin'...

That certainly leapt right off the page at me as well.

I find the 360 controller's d-pad to be awful even for such tasks as menu navigation, let alone anything that requires a measure of precision.