
I'm not the only one who is definitely at least holding out for the Dualshock's D-pad to play this, right? There's a chance I won't get it at all, but I definitely don't see me playing this on my 360.

$50 says the "purple sack" was a Crown Royal Whisky bag.

I've heard Downcast is good as well. Might look into it as Instacast has been a bit slow lately (aging iPhone 4 perhaps?) and does have a tendency to update/make changes a bit frequently for my tastes, but I guess it's better to be too responsive than not enough.

For comedy nerds, podcasts have ushered in a golden age of free content.

I won't use Stitcher, mainly because of their model of hijacking a podcast's feed and then rebroadcasting it with their own ads.

Now playing

Relevant material begins around the minute mark.

Do publishers take an active role in prodding online retailers (especially XBLA and Apple's App Store) to improve the overall user experience of those services? Very difficult to find what you're looking for or to discover new stuff in those "stores".

Ok, now I see. I think my mind was still reeling from trying to wrap itself around that first sentence.

After reading and re-reading the Guardians of the Galaxy part, I can only conclude that some of that information has been relayed incorrectly.

Maybe if the Vita were held vertically, but I don't know if that leaves you enough screen on what would be the bottom half, and you might NEED a stylus as opposed to fingers given that.

That was certainly my first thought.

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Sorry, I posted this in its own thread here too, but I wanted you to all see EXACTLY how it happened.

My pleasure, features one of my favorite comedians, Pete Holmes (voice of the eTrade Baby) as Batman and his friend, fellow comedian, star of LOTS of commercials, Matt McCarthy.

Now playing

Of course, we all know how Batman arrived at that particular vocal choice...

Maybe I'm alone, but I don't consider the SD cards cartridges. I found use of that word doubly confusing as to which system the game was appearing on.


Sweet. Now if I can just get word that someone incredibly talented is turning Dune into graphic novels that will serve as storyboards for an animated television show, preferably on HBO, I can breath easier.

Thought Joe Cornish was busy adapting Snow Crash for the screen...

Which system the game is for is essential info that I need before I even decide to watch a video.