
I shouldn't have to read through the comments section to find out what system the game that is the feature of the post is being released for...

I read the novels, but what's this from exactly?

Now playing

The Tomb Raider controversy keeps reminding me of...the implication.

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Here it is: Paul F Tompkins, Driven to Drink, 1998 HBO

Well, I am occasionally funny on twitter too, @madeyouread, if you like.

Parody lyrics help ease the pain of earworms for me.


So...who made you listen, exactly?

Archer, this discussion begins and ends with Archer.

Why do they say that to you?

You beat me to it, I work down the street from the original Primanti's in the Strip. I actually had a pastrami w/egg last week, and according to one of the bartenders that stops by our place, Dan Marino was in tonight with his family!

You had me at "Pittsburgh" will be reading this for sure, I'm such a homer.

My thoughts exactly.

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Skip to about a minute in to check out some stimulant psychosis.

I would argue that games can and do harm and heal society, but certainly never kill or cure it.

That's a nug OVER a half ounce. (Referring to the New Jersey portion of the post) #corrections

The problem with used game sales is not that they cannibalize sales of new games.

Blizzard of Activision, is more like it, I think. Kidding, just can't help myself sometimes.
