
Shouldn't there be two?


Anyone know the specific reason for the different names for this title between the US and Japanese versions? i.e., Gravity Daze v. Gravity Rush?

Wow, that's UPMC Tower (formerly USX Tower, or "the Steel Building" here in Pittsburgh) that the BatPlane is flying over in that shot, kind of surpised they left that logo in there.

Well, that is also the cheapest of the offerings...

Haven't played an RPG in a long while, thinking I might like to put one on my Vita.

Anybody else read it as "Oprah" upon first glance? Wishful thinking I suppose...

You used imagery from the Far Side. Great post, great post.


I liked Darkman training Patrick Bateman, Joey Potter was a little wooden as the love interest, yes, but Sid Vicious made an excellent policeman, and I was happy when Hoke fired Roy Batty at the end!

Agreed. Loved seeing Deltron on there, but expected it to be higher-ranked.

I'd say it depends on the usage and just how identical the character and actor are. For instance if new Iron Man comics came out that were OBVIOUSLY modeled after RDJ, I think Marvel would probably owe the man some cash.

My knowledge is broad, but not deep, has a major publisher ever licensed the likeness of a well-known Hollywood actor for use within a book?

That's a real sculpture.

I love that you've either named your children after Sterling Archer and the Wee Baby Seamus, or given them fantastic Kotaku-Codenames!

Oh, my bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of...

This is excellent.


Where was Anthony Jeselnik when Greg Giraldo kicked it?

I was fortunate enough to see Mitch perform live three times before his untimely passing. The first was incredible. A Sunday night show at the Pittsburgh Improv, circa 2003-4, and Mitch owned the room. My father and I could barely catch our breath from laughing before Mitch was slinging another one-liner from