
Dunno if this is the best place for this, but Supernatural finally hit Netflix instant this week!

I was directing the end of my comment more at myself than at anyone else. We're good.

I'm sure I'll see it eventually, probably will even enjoy it a bit, but it's just sad blah blah blah internet complaining about hollywood...

So it's come to this, then? Praising a money-grab sequel for not being a money-grab remake?

Twitter is a medium. If you follow a news outlet, or a newsmaker him- or herself, you're using Twitter as a news resource.

Okay, so now I've got an itch that won't be scratched until I'm playing a video game based on FX's Archer.

I'm such a homer for my home town (Pittsburgh) that this would be a must-purchase even if I didn't know that I was buying a AAA title from an A-List developer.

If you really want me to click through, don't put "The end." right before the "more" link.

I've been a loyal iPhone owner since I got my 3G, now I'm on my second, a 4.

Really wish Zen Pinball had licensed tables from my youth. Simpsons, T2:Judgement Day just to name 2.

Added a bunch of you all. See you on the leaderboards!

I'm excited for this game.

So, I'm guessing that WAS a metroid in Kid Icarus I saw in a vanished post from earlier this morning?

He HAS to be a DryGuy.

The pic reminds me of today's shirt Woot!

I did stop by Best Buy the other day to visit with a demo unit to tide me over. Only had Little Deviants though. I doubt I'll even open my copy of that game.

For the most part, especially given how little space the physical copies take up, I will purchase them.

Slightly off topic, but is anyone besides me kicking themselves for ponying up for the First Edition bundle and then having it shipped instead of opting for in-store pick-up?

Thanks! Looks like I'm finally joining Steam.

So...I STILL have never played Psychonauts. I see it's in the Steam store, but I don't know if I can play it.