
No disrespect to R&C, but I'd rather have it with this guy.


Go tell it to Deadspin, jock.

Agreed. Caladan and landing on Arrakis as exposition/tutorial, action begins when Harkonnens spring their trap.

I certainly wouldn't object, but that's a show that's already plagued by budgeting concerns with regards to what get's edited out and what gets mentioned instead of shown.

They're not great, nowhere NEAR the originals. But, they're also not THAT bad.

Any game set outside of the scope of the first three novels will probably be referencing material too obscure for the mainstream to really benefit from the license.

The problem is, the game came out with a Rockstar logo on it and we all thought we were getting something similar in quality to the then-jaw-dropping GTAIII.

There's a Windows98 version out there somewhere, but I haven't tried looking for it anywhere but Steam and Origin so far.

Nope, not available on Steam or even the more likely Origin.

Sadly, it was my brother's, and he sold it a long time ago, haven't played it in a decade. I wonder if the PC version is on Steam? I don't really game on the PC, but if I can play it with a 360 controller, it might be time to get an account if they do offer it.

I very much enjoyed this game.

This game made me so mad.

I definitely don't have it any more, but that was kind of a fun game. Sorta Wipeout/SSX/Kart.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure that's true in post-Patriot Act America.

This seems appropriate.

Well, they're not *quite* squirrels, and they're rare, but some chinchillas have a purple tint to their fur naturally.

No Fat Neil/E. Honda?

Too lazy to look it up, does anyone know if this is playable with a 360 controller?

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you were just using that word as shorthand, but it's as offensive as most other racial slurs.