
So, is the "Death to Betty Draper" part just referring to this being the end of January?

I have no problem with this being an homage to John Carpenter's excellent films, and I think this will be pantsloads of fun.

Is it obvious to everybody HOW playing a Tales game(specifically the battle system, I suppose) changed the author's perspective on the fighting video game genre?

Maybe Avengers will have an unnamed Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker cameo...

Pretty sure it's a Threadless.

It's a t-shirt. Abed wears it on Community, but I had seen it prior to that.

I think this backs up your case.

Pre-ordered 3G/WiFi mostly because I want the First Edition bundle. I won't actually be using the 3G, there's WiFi in most of the places in which I kill time, but it's nice to know it's there on demand if I want/need it, most likely for traveling. And then a quick cancellation when I'm back home.

I was thinking of the Dr. Manhattan symbol as I read the article, glad to see someone else thought of it too.

When I first fired up the original Devil May Cry on PS2, I never made it past that first fucking spider boss. Tried and tried and tried, just died and died and died. To this day I don't know if I was missing something fundamental regarding gameplay, or I just plain sucked at that game.

"..., to prove to a broad audience in North America why they should buy something that can only do one thing, but do it very well."

I've enjoyed music in video games as long as I've enjoyed video games(near 30 years now), but no game I've played has ever had music that moved me within and outside of the game itself the way the music in Bastion does.

Well, it was reported during shooting that Mayor Luke was playing the opposing team's kicker, but that was later amended to indicate Mayor Luke will be portraying an assistant coach on the sideline.

Pretty sure that was a reporting error, and that Boy Mayor Luke will appear as an assistant coach, not a placekicker.

Ben, Troy and Hines all for sure suited up in Gotham Rogues uniforms for the shoot, not sure if they'll actually see screen time, naturally.

That would have been my guess, but the previous poster was a little ambiguous.

Was it the same with PSP? Retail media was faster than the downloadable games?

I like Ploystation better.

"Words With Friends" is a video game playable on iOS devices.

Well, no, actually, I didn't. But thank you nonetheless.