made of wince

Eddison Tollet is Dolorous Edd's real name? Well, la-ti-da! And by the way, I stopped to Google that name because I had no idea what Eddison Tollet was. (Edison invented a toilet? Wow, I had no idea!)

I could swear someone already made this, and it starred Ashley Judd and Mira Sorvina. It was called "Norma Jean and Marilyn". 1996. I guess these filmmakers forgot about it, but I kinda liked it.

That's a Crazytown name.

She said that she thinks she looks like an anime character. Pretty accurate.

Your mom is so hot!

I took a picture of my cat in mid-yawn about ten years ago (RIP, Checkers). The shot looked a lot like the Bone Machine cover. I love that cover, though!

I don't agree that they have no idea what they're doing because that would be impossible.

seduce: tr.v. 2. To induce to engage in sex

But whhhhhyyyyyy?

Oh please, show. I don't care about Sam losing his virginity immediately after trying to keep his girl from getting raped. She could have seduced him because she likes him instead. It could have been a decent moment, but instead for me it looked like a Nice Guy prize. You saved her! Now you are entitled to this

I suppose the needle in her neck was to inject dye into her brain for the images, right? But what was that machine that made incredibly loud noises as it hovered around her head? F—k that thing.

Probably off topic, but I still can't get over the "Downton Abbey" reviews. YES, they are rich and spoiled and they have servants with less stuff! That's the SHOW!!

His name is Areo Hotah? Is that an anagram for something?

He was so good during Theon's siege of Winterfell too.

With Ser Pounce.

Ew, EW! But I am interested in reading that; thanks!

WTF would only "feminists" hate that scene? Or analyze it, for that matter?

"GOT: The Clone Wars." Or maybe "Song of Ice, Ice, Fire, and Fire".

Iwan Rheon is now playing one of the most despised characters currently on television. I wonder how that feels? Fun? Well, he and Alfie Allen are sure bringing the pain. They're fine actors, I gotta give them props. Sophie, too, of course!

What would I do if someone wore this hat on Christmas and sincerely thought it was the cutest thing and turned it on repeatedly? I think I might insult her five cats and call her marshmallow topped sweet potato dish a disgrace.